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Netzach Wing
-Art Corner-

General Guidelines of Cyanide Heights under the new Art Category (known as the Cyanide Heights Netzach Wing), a safeguard for all people who share their artworks and prevents scamming/art theft.

Netzach Wing -Art Corner- Guideline: News

1.) If the art you are posting is not yours, as much as possible please do credit the artist. If we find that you are claiming other art as your own, you will be subjected to a permanent ban for Art Theft.

2.) The #📂-server-guidelines still applies here! Make sure that the content that you are posting will not be seen as offensive to some or NSFW. This category is Strictly SFW!

3.) Slight vent art is allowed as long as it is tasteful. Candy Gore will add leniency in most situations. If you are unsure if your art might be too much, feel free to ask staff for help, and always make sure to take a break! Artists need to rest sometimes too!

4.) Do not under any circumstance attempt to impersonate prominent artists (such as ZillionRoss, etc.)! If you are an artist willing to verify, please view #artist-creator-verification for details. Violators of this rule may be penalized depending on severity.

5.) When performing critique on Art, please do so in a polite manner! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and suggestions to help make your art better. As much as possible, please do not harass anyone just because their art is not that great. #art-tips also if you wish to share your Art tips to everyone!


Rules established and imposed since 6/6/2021. Updated 6/6/2021.

Netzach Wing -Art Corner- Guideline: Text
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