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  • Writer's pictureKigu Wolf

Server Statistics - December 2020

(Originally Published at 31/12/2020)

Official Server Statistics of Cyanide Heights, for the month of December 2020

Cyanide Heights is committed to be transparent all the way from August 2020, and now, here are the stats for the last month of 2020! (Let's hope for a better year in 2021!!!)

Member count

Total Verified Members - 107

Total unverified members - 2 (1 is under TRO due to ToS Violations*)

Total number of users, excluding Bots and Alternate Accounts - 110

Total Number of users, including Bots and Alternate Accounts - 124

Alternate Accounts detected - 1

Bots within the server - 10

Server Listings - 6

Ban hammers delivered throughout this month - 136 (that's a shocker!)

Ban hammers delivered all time - 194

Number of members added within this month's tally - 56

Number of members lost within this month's tally - 30

*The ToS Violation is regarding the user's age in real life. The Minimum age requirement to use discord is 13 years old and above (it may differ between countries). You may view the official Discord Inc. Article, here.


Asia - 6

Europe - 15

Africa - 1

North America - 39

South America - 0

Oceania/Australia - 3

Undeclared/unknown - 43

Age Restrictions

Underage - 74

Over 18/ Legal age - 33

Verified as adult - 9


Male - 87

Female - 15

Transgender - 1 (M to F - 1 | F to M - 0)

Genderfluid - 4

Agender - none

Undeclared/Rather not say - none

Sexual Orientation (Only 18+)*

Asexual - none

Bisexual - 8

Pansexual - none

Gay - 4

Lesbian - 1

Aromantic - none

Straight - 4

Undeclared/unknown** - 12

*The registry bot Sheri Blossom only gives these role to people over 18 as programmed.

**They were unaware of the memo to reregister for this part of the statistics, they may reregister again soon.

Server Boosts*

Booster total - 0

Boosters on Tier I - 1

Boosters on Tier II - 0

Boosters on Tier III** - 0

Boosters on Tier IV - 0

Total Boosts the server has received - 2

*This was recently implemented, so these stats are normal. These will change overtime.

**Every month as a perk to Tier III and Tier IV, we will be announcing the lists of our supporters here! Note that Boost tiers reset every month (as far as Kigu's knowledge thinks). Let him know at #server-suggestion if you think it might be a mistake!

Commissions Tab Verification

Verified Artists - 5

Verified Content Creators - 4

Commission Tabs made - 5

Users verified to view the tabs - 23

RolePlay Pass Verifications

Users verified for RolePlay (SFW) - 35

Users verified for ERP (NSFW) - 4

League Rankings (aka Levelling Roles)*

Unranked/no league - 61

Tin League - 12

Lead League - 8

Bronze League - 5

Silver League - 2

Gold League - 6

Titanium League - 4

Diamond League - 1

Platinum League - 5

Velenite League - 2

Kyubirite League - 1

*The regent thought he may wanna add this here too just for transparency. These roles are hosted onto Tatsumaki bot. What's Tatsumaki/Tatsu? check the awesome bot here!

Cyanide Heights Management Bureau Tally

Server Counselor - 1

Server Developer* - 0

Server Moderators - 5

Server Administrators* - 2

Impeached staff - 1

Server Partnerships made - 5 (6th one pending invite renewal)**

*Position still open. Inquire at #application-reqs-staff !

**We are still open for partnerships, do inquire by the Regency Office (DM Kigu) to get one. Remember to check #partnership-requirements before applying!


Events held - 4

Giveaways held - 3

Number of winners hailed - 8

Events ongoing - 1

Giveaways ongoing - 0

*Any new event suggestions/giveaways you want to hold? send it at #server-suggestion! Please be advised that this part of the stats are unstable, meaning it might be quite unclear so far on the side of the regency.

That's the end of the statistics for December, marking the end of the hell year 2020!

Thanks to all our supporters and everyone who joined in Cyanide Heights, and a happy new year to everyone!

Kigu (Onekiguwolf)

Operator, The Cyanide Archives

Server Regent, Cyanide Heights

Roxxy (Myrox Summers)

Server Founder/Former Regent, Cyanide Heights


The bureau is trying its best for complete transparency for a safer and comfortable place for everyone. For inquiries/suggestions for these statistics, please reach out via #server-suggestion ! As planned by the regent, these stats will be updated in the site every 30th day of the month.

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