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  • Writer's pictureKigu Wolf

Server Statistics - February 2021

Cyanide Heights have grown a lot, innit?

Indeed it has, and as we are growing with members, we will continue to post statistics for transparency!

New Changes and/or Modifications

Before we begin the monthly stats, I would like to advise everyone that methods of gathering and posting this data has been modified. Here are the changes:

-League Ranking System has been removed as we are now looking into chat history for server activity. That will be next month!

-for 18+ members, the number of age verified users will now subtract the total count. This is so that there are no duplications!

-Events tally will be taken down temporarily due to technical concerns. We'll see if we can get it back by the start of the 2nd Quarter of 2021.

Now that I have mentioned the modifications, let's start the tally shall we?

Member Count

Total Verified Members - 192

Total unverified members - 2 (1 pending registration)

Total number of users, excluding Bots and Alternate Accounts - 194

Total number of users, excluding bots and including alternate accounts - 196

Total Number of users, including Bots and Alternate Accounts - 217

Alternate Accounts detected - 2

Bots within the server - 21 (2 are exclusive to Cyanide Heights!*)

Server Listings - 6

Ban hammers delivered throughout this month - 376 (hoo boy, that's a lot)

Ban hammers delivered all time - 662

Number of members added within this month's tally - 88 (new record!)

Number of members lost within this month's tally - 27 (Lowest count!)

*Cyanide Heights has 2 exclusive bots, both are developed by the Server Regent. Their functions will develop overtime! (one of them is the other's development version)

They are both running on Discord.js.

Graph 1 - Moderation Activity

Graph 2 - Member Tally

Region Demographics

Asia - 9

Europe - 22

Africa - 1

North America - 80

South America - 3

Oceania/Australia - 6

Undeclared/unknown - 71

Age Gate/Restrictions

Underaged - 124

+18* - 57

Verified as Adult - 12

*For safety measures, people may or may not lie about their age. As such, our NSFW content requires age verification. Total count of 18+ members is 69, wherein 12 of them have verified their age.

Gender Demographics

Male - 147

Female - 24

Transgender - 3 (M to F - 2 | F to M - 1)

Genderfluid - 5

Agender - none

Non-Binary - 1

Sexual Orientation*

Asexual - none

Bisexual - 18

Pansexual - 3

Gay - 7

Lesbian - 1

Aromantic - none

Straight - 13

Undeclared/Rather not say** - 16

*The registry bot Sheri Blossom only gives these role to people over 18 as programmed.

**They were unaware of the memo to reregister/does not wish to declare for this part of the statistics, they may reregister again soon.

Server Boosts*

Booster total - 3

Boosters on Tier I - 2

Boosters on Tier II - 1

Boosters on Tier III** - 0

Boosters on Tier IV - 0

Total Boosts the server has received - 9

Server Level - 1/3

Active boosts - 5

*This was recently implemented, so these stats are normal. These will change overtime.

**Every month as a perk to Tier III and Tier IV, we will be announcing the lists of our supporters here! Tiers are immediately reset once the boosts have expired or the boosting was transferred. Let us know at #server-suggestion if you think it might be a mistake!

Commissions Tab Verification

Verified Artists - 4

Verified Content Creators - 5

Commission Tabs made - 5

Users verified to view the tabs - 31

commissions passes revoked - 0

RolePlay Pass Verifications

Users verified for RolePlay (SFW) - 64

Users verified for ERP (NSFW) - 7

RolePlay Passes revoked - 0

ERP-Passes revoked - 0

incidents in RolePlay - 5

Cyanide Heights Management Bureau Tally

Server Counselor - 1

Server Developer* - 0

Events Manager* - 0

Server Moderators - 4

Server Administrators - 3

Impeached staff - 2

Server Partnerships made - 17**

Partnerships granted this month - 7

*Position still open. Inquire using k.apply (KyurenAI Staff Applications Tool) !

**We are still open for partnerships, do inquire by the Regency Office (DM Kigu) to get one. Remember to check #partnership-requirements before applying!

Cyanide Network Tally*

Connected Servers - 6

Network Staff - 3

*The Cyanide Network is a Network for Server Admins and Server Owners alike. If you are an owner/admin of a discord server and wish to join the network, you may learn about it here.

And that's all for the Month of February, 2021. March is coming, and we are about to release the stats for both that month, and the quarterly stats, which comprises all the stats of January to March 2021. Stay Tuned!

Kigu (Onekiguwolf)

Operator, Heights News Post

Server Co-Founder/Server Regent, Cyanide Heights

Network Founder/Network Regent, Cyanide Network

Myrox (Roxxy)

Server Founder/Vice Regent, Cyanide Heights


The bureau is trying its best for complete transparency for a safer and comfortable place for everyone. For inquiries/suggestions for these statistics, please reach out via #server-suggestion ! As planned by the regent, these stats will be updated in the site every 30th day of the month.

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